14 June, 2019

Environmentally conscious in 30 days: TransferGalaxy takes on the Breakit Impact Challenge

We're fresh off the Breakit Impact Challenge, and we're happy to announce that we completed the challenge. For our achievements, Breakit presented us with a prize certificate a few days ago. We're proud to be one of the 423 other businesses that participated!

In April, Breakit challenged the business world to make their companies environmentally friendly in 30 days! The challenge took part from May-June, for a period of five weeks. We were required to complete one challenge each week, bringing the problems to a total of 5. Each challenge led us one step closer to improving our business and making it environmentally friendly and conscious.

The last five weeks have seen us achieve many things as a company:

  1. We challenged our colleagues to take a healthier and more conscious way of travelling that reduces CO2 emissions and our impact on the environment. For example, walking, cycling, riding a scooter or taking communal/public transportation.

  2. In the second challenge, we made improvements to our working environment. We moved to a new and spacious office that fits all comfortably. We switched to LED lamps, setting up a recycling station in our office.

  3. The third challenge was a little tough because we had to review all our suppliers. We committed to work with environmentally friendly suppliers and those compensating for their impact on the environment.

  4. During the fourth challenge, we studied our business model. The result was to start the process of making small adjustments that prioritise our impact on the environment in the decision-making process.

  5. Finally, challenge 5 - we calculated our impact on the environment. We saw how much carbon dioxide we emit in the goings-on of our day-to-day work, and we compensated accordingly.


So what did we learn?

The challenge was an eye-opener as well as an incentive for us to set the ball rolling and make a positive impact where it counts. What is essential is to make small, meaningful and incremental changes, and hopefully, through our example, we can influence others to take up the challenge too. Because together, we can make a change through our little acts of consciousness.


Here you can find more articles related to the Breakit Impact Challenge - https://tgxy.it/BreakitChallengeNews.

Update: Join us on this journey by participating in the next challenge starting 2 September 2019- https://tgxy.it/BreakitChallenge


Photographed above: Our Chief Commercial Officer, Kristine receiving the prize for us all at TransferGalaxy.